Where Ideas Matter
Welcome to The Salisbury Forum! We are a nonprofit organization based in the northwest corner of Connecticut whose mission is to host speaker forums that foster a deeper understanding of issues that affect our lives globally and locally. As the list of our past speakers below indicates, our forums cover a very wide range of topics, from wealth inequality to climate change to cybersecurity. Many of our speakers have ties to this community, and all of them present timely issues that inform us and even promote action.
While most programs were offered via Zoom webinars during the pandemic, we returned to live forums in the spring of 2022. They are free to the public and presented at one of three area schools: Hotchkiss, Salisbury, or Housatonic Valley Regional High School. You can view many of the recent programs at our Events Archive.
We welcome your ideas and comments and as a publicly supported organization, we appreciate your contributions. Please explore this website and join us soon at an upcoming Salisbury Forum program.
Pat Jenny
Our Upcoming
History &
The Salisbury Forum is a nonprofit organization in the Northwest Corner of Connecticut founded in 2005 whose vision is a world where knowledge and information can bring about positive change.
Our mission is to foster deeper conversations and wider understanding on issues that affect our lives globally and locally by hosting speaker forums. They may give you a deeper understanding of an issue of importance, delight you with poetry or humor or challenge you to consider an unfamiliar subject.
Donations to The Salisbury Forum are most welcome! Your generosity will help us continue to invite exciting speakers from across the country, while permitting the Forum to make all events open to the public at no charge.
We are grateful for the continuing support of our organizational sponsors, Salisbury School and The Hotchkiss School, and the many community members who have donated regularly to the Forum. We hope you will consider making a donation if you have not already done so this season.
Please visit our Donor Page
For questions, suggestions, or comments, please email the Forum: info@salisburyforum.org