“We are living in a time when people are climbing out of poverty in greater numbers and at a faster rate than at any other time in human history, bar none. And despite how much more there remains to do,” says David DeFerranti, “progress in health, education, etc. is actually stunningly rapid.”
David deFerranti is a former World Bank regional vice president and is now president of Results for Development a non-profit organization he co-founded to support the discovery and implementation of new ideas for reducing poverty and improving lives around the world.
His talk will include examples of particular programs and innovations in Africa, Asia and Latin America that are proving effective when some large scale efforts fail for lack of proper implementation. Despite the many gloomy stories we hear about Ebola, corruption and conflicts he says real progress is being made.
This will be an interesting and stimulating program. We hope you will join us.
All Salisbury Forum programs are free and open to the public.