Girl Rising is a powerful and innovative new feature film that spotlights the stories of girls born into unforgiving circumstances. Girls like Azmera who when told she must marry does something shocking for an Ethiopian family. Shesays no and her brother helps her realize her dream to be educated. Senna’s family struggles to survive in a bleak Peruvian mining town, but her father has dreams of a better future for her. He insists she go to school and there her talent and passion for poetry blossoms. And you will meet Ruksana a girl who’s family lives on the pavement in India, but who surmounts enormous difficulties to get an education.
Each girl is paired with a renowned writer from her own country. Each of these stories are narrated by a celebrated actress including Cate Blanchett, Salma Hayek, Alicia Keys, Meryl Streep and Kerry Washington. Liam Neeson provides additional narration between each segment.
Girl Rising is the centerpiece of a global campaign to educate and empower girls.